/*! * jQuery idleTimer plugin * version 0.9.100511 * by Paul Irish. * http://github.com/paulirish/yui-misc/tree/ * MIT license * adapted from YUI idle timer by nzakas: * http://github.com/nzakas/yui-misc/ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2009 Nicholas C. Zakas * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ /* updated to fix Chrome setTimeout issue by Zaid Zawaideh */ // API available in <= v0.8 /******************************* // idleTimer() takes an optional argument that defines the idle timeout // timeout is in milliseconds; defaults to 30000 $.idleTimer(10000); $(document).bind("idle.idleTimer", function(){ // function you want to fire when the user goes idle }); $(document).bind("active.idleTimer", function(){ // function you want to fire when the user becomes active again }); // pass the string 'destroy' to stop the timer $.idleTimer('destroy'); // you can query if the user is idle or not with data() $.data(document,'idleTimer'); // 'idle' or 'active' // you can get time elapsed since user when idle/active $.idleTimer('getElapsedTime'); // time since state change in ms ********/ // API available in >= v0.9 /************************* // bind to specific elements, allows for multiple timer instances $(elem).idleTimer(timeout|'destroy'|'getElapsedTime'); $.data(elem,'idleTimer'); // 'idle' or 'active' // if you're using the old $.idleTimer api, you should not do $(document).idleTimer(...) // element bound timers will only watch for events inside of them. // you may just want page-level activity, in which case you may set up // your timers on document, document.documentElement, and document.body // You can optionally provide a second argument to override certain options. // Here are the defaults, so you can omit any or all of them. $(elem).idleTimer(timeout, { startImmediately: true, //starts a timeout as soon as the timer is set up; otherwise it waits for the first event. idle: false, //indicates if the user is idle enabled: true, //indicates if the idle timer is enabled events: 'mousemove keydown DOMMouseScroll mousewheel mousedown touchstart touchmove' // activity is one of these events }); ********/ (function($){ $.idleTimer = function(newTimeout, elem, opts){ // defaults that are to be stored as instance props on the elem opts = $.extend({ startImmediately: true, //starts a timeout as soon as the timer is set up idle: false, //indicates if the user is idle enabled: true, //indicates if the idle timer is enabled timeout: 30000, //the amount of time (ms) before the user is considered idle events: 'mousemove keydown DOMMouseScroll mousewheel mousedown touchstart touchmove' // activity is one of these events }, opts); elem = elem || document; /* (intentionally not documented) * Toggles the idle state and fires an appropriate event. * @return {void} */ var toggleIdleState = function(myelem){ // curse you, mozilla setTimeout lateness bug! if (typeof myelem === 'number'){ myelem = undefined; } var obj = $.data(myelem || elem,'idleTimerObj'); //toggle the state obj.idle = !obj.idle; // reset timeout var elapsed = (+new Date()) - obj.olddate; obj.olddate = +new Date(); // handle Chrome always triggering idle after js alert or comfirm popup if (obj.idle && (elapsed < opts.timeout)) { obj.idle = false; clearTimeout($.idleTimer.tId); if (opts.enabled) $.idleTimer.tId = setTimeout(toggleIdleState, opts.timeout); return; } //fire appropriate event // create a custom event, but first, store the new state on the element // and then append that string to a namespace var event = jQuery.Event( $.data(elem,'idleTimer', obj.idle ? "idle" : "active" ) + '.idleTimer' ); // we do want this to bubble, at least as a temporary fix for jQuery 1.7 // event.stopPropagation(); $(elem).trigger(event); }, /** * Stops the idle timer. This removes appropriate event handlers * and cancels any pending timeouts. * @return {void} * @method stop * @static */ stop = function(elem){ var obj = $.data(elem,'idleTimerObj') || {}; //set to disabled obj.enabled = false; //clear any pending timeouts clearTimeout(obj.tId); //detach the event handlers $(elem).off('.idleTimer'); }, /* (intentionally not documented) * Handles a user event indicating that the user isn't idle. * @param {Event} event A DOM2-normalized event object. * @return {void} */ handleUserEvent = function(){ var obj = $.data(this,'idleTimerObj'); //clear any existing timeout clearTimeout(obj.tId); //if the idle timer is enabled if (obj.enabled){ //if it's idle, that means the user is no longer idle if (obj.idle){ toggleIdleState(this); } //set a new timeout obj.tId = setTimeout(toggleIdleState, obj.timeout); } }; /** * Starts the idle timer. This adds appropriate event handlers * and starts the first timeout. * @param {int} newTimeout (Optional) A new value for the timeout period in ms. * @return {void} * @method $.idleTimer * @static */ var obj = $.data(elem,'idleTimerObj') || {}; obj.olddate = obj.olddate || +new Date(); //assign a new timeout if necessary if (typeof newTimeout === "number"){ opts.timeout = newTimeout; } else if (newTimeout === 'destroy') { stop(elem); return this; } else if (newTimeout === 'getElapsedTime'){ return (+new Date()) - obj.olddate; } //assign appropriate event handlers $(elem).on($.trim((opts.events+' ').split(' ').join('.idleTimer ')),handleUserEvent); obj.idle = opts.idle; obj.enabled = opts.enabled; obj.timeout = opts.timeout; //set a timeout to toggle state. May wish to omit this in some situations if (opts.startImmediately) { obj.tId = setTimeout(toggleIdleState, obj.timeout); } // assume the user is active for the first x seconds. $.data(elem,'idleTimer',"active"); // store our instance on the object $.data(elem,'idleTimerObj',obj); }; // end of $.idleTimer() // v0.9 API for defining multiple timers. $.fn.idleTimer = function(newTimeout,opts){ // Allow omission of opts for backward compatibility if (!opts) { opts = {}; } if(this[0]){ $.idleTimer(newTimeout,this[0],opts); } return this; }; })(jQuery);